What Is Feline Tooth Resorption?


Whether you painstakingly brush your kitty's teeth everyday or just once in a while, it might surprise you to learn that there's a dental disorder that can strike any cat, regardless of dental hygiene. This problem is called tooth resorption and your kitty could potentially be at risk of developing it. Read on to learn more about this condition, why it happens, and what the treatment is.

What It Is

Tooth resorption is a disorder in which the body mistakenly attempts to reabsorb an adult tooth. The mechanism is the same one that the body employs to release a baby tooth when an adult tooth is ready to move into its place. However, this isn't supposed to happen to a cat's adult teeth, so it can be very painful for a cat to endure.

With tooth resorption, the root and pulp of the tooth are gradually reabsorbed back into the body. In time, this means that the entire tooth will fall out. However, until then, your kitty is likely to be very uncomfortable and the problem is essentially invisible to the naked eye.

How It Happens

Scientists and veterinarians aren't completely certain why tooth resorption happens to cats, but there are some leading theories.

One possible cause is that it's due to trauma to the mouth, jaw, or teeth. A sudden blow or infection may jump-start the body's resorption response.

Another possibility is that the cause is genetic and that some cats are more likely to experience it than others. In either case, however, there is no certain way to prevent this disorder from happening to your cat.

What To Do About It

Although you can't prevent tooth resorption, you can get your cat treatment as soon as possible. The best way to go about this is to make sure that your cat is seeing your veterinarian regularly for dental check-ups. Your vet will be able to determine if resorption is happening via dental x-rays. If it is, your vet may be able to save the tooth by performing a root canal. If not, they can at least remove the tooth and prevent your kitty from experiencing further pain.

Tooth resorption is an odd disorder that has the potential to strike any cat regardless of their overall health. If you're concerned about the possibility of your kitty developing this disorder, talk to a veterinarian to build a dental health plan. Companies like Stewartstown Vet Services can help.


28 December 2017

spaying and neutering your pets

Having your pets spayed and neutered is more important than most people realize. Not only does it help manage the pet population, but it can help your pet's behavior and protect them from unwanted and unsafe pregnancies. Our blog is all about spaying and neutering pets. You will learn about the procedure, the benefits and even the potential risks of having it done. Hopefully, the information that we have included here will help you come to an educated decision about whether your pet should be spayed or neutered. Take your time to read through everything compiled here and you should have little question about the procedure.