Signs Your Dog May Have Dental Problems


Dogs use many different strategies to communicate with us, but they can't always figure out how to tell us when they are in pain. In some cases, dogs may even hide their pain. This can be especially true when it comes to a toothache. The following are signs that your dog may be suffering dental distress.

Symptom #1: Difficulty eating

There is one time when a dog can't easily mask their discomfort – when eating. If you notice that you dog shies away from dry food or harder treats, or if they just overall seem to be eating less, then tooth decay or gum disease could be the cause. This is especially true if they shun harder foods but are still willing to beg soft treats or table scraps. This indicates they are hungry but having difficulty with their usual food source.

Symptom #2: Foul breath

Few dogs have minty fresh breath, but it usually just smells like kibble. When decay or gum disease is at play, though, you may notice a distinctive rancid odor to their breath. It may smell like rotten food or it may have the iron tang that indicates a blood odor. Neither are normal unless your dog has just eaten raw meat. You may also pick up the odor on things you dog licks or carries often in their mouth, such as a favorite toy.

Symptom #3: Eating oddities

Some dogs stay enthusiastic eaters even when in extreme dental distress, but their eating habits may subtly change. Keep an eye on your pooch when they are eating. Have they become delicate eaters, only picking up one piece of food at a time and chewing? Do they drop a lot of food from their mouth as they try to chew, or seem to favor chewing on one side of their mouth? If so, you will want to check them for dental problems.

Symptom #4: Visible signs

There are also visible signs to watch for. If your dog allows, lift their lips and take a peek. Swollen or inflamed gums, lumps, visible tooth decay, and lumps on the gums all indicate dental issues. Keep in mind, though, that gum disease or tooth decay may not be readily apparent.

If you suspect your pup is suffering from decay or gum disease, schedule time for a dental visit. At the very least your vet can clean their teeth and help prevent future problems. For more information, contact a center such as Coastal Carolina Animal Hospital.


16 March 2017

spaying and neutering your pets

Having your pets spayed and neutered is more important than most people realize. Not only does it help manage the pet population, but it can help your pet's behavior and protect them from unwanted and unsafe pregnancies. Our blog is all about spaying and neutering pets. You will learn about the procedure, the benefits and even the potential risks of having it done. Hopefully, the information that we have included here will help you come to an educated decision about whether your pet should be spayed or neutered. Take your time to read through everything compiled here and you should have little question about the procedure.